EODEM – Presentations
- CIDOC Training Association module
- CIDOC outreach event, January 2025
- CIDOC Annual Conference, November 2024
- Presentation for Flora users, October 2024
- MCN 2023, November 2023
- Modes Users Association AGM, October 2023
- Collections Trust Annual Conference, October 2023
- CIDOC Annual Conference, September 2023
- museum-digital blog, June 2023
- museum-digital blog, February 2023
- 12th European Congress of Registrars (ERC 2022), November 2022
- Collections Trust webinar, October 2022
- Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation im Deutschen Museumsbund, October 2022
- ICOM Triennial Conference, August 2022
- CIDOC Annual Conference, May 2022
- Archivy, knihovny, muzea v digitálním světě 2021, November 2021
- CIDOC blog, November 2021
- Collections Trust Annual Conference, October 2021
- CIDOC Annual Conference, December 2020
- Collections Trust Annual Conference, October 2020
CIDOC Training Association module
An online module created and published by the CIDOC Training Association. It is aimed at museum documentation staff and registrars, and outlines what EODEM is, how it should work, the basic principles adopted by the standard and how it relates to LIDO, and how museums can prepare for its implementation. The module comprises a slide show with a soundtrack and self-evaluation exercises, and is available for free from https://cidoc.info/Training/Online/EODEM/. It lasts about an hour.
CIDOC outreach event (Musée Guimet), January 2025
EODEM will be presented at a CIDOC outreach event, organised in collaboration with ICOM France, at the Musée Guimet, Paris, on 24 January 2025.
CIDOC Annual Conference, November 2024
The presentation was delivered at the CIDOC 2024 Annual Conference, held in Amsterdam from 11 to 14 November 2024.
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 11 November 2024
The presentation took place on 11 November 2024 in the CIDOC Training Association’s workshop. No recording, no slides.
Presentation for Flora users, October 2024
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 17 October 2024
No recording, no slides.
MCN 2023
Revolutionizing museum data exchange: introducing EODEM, presented by Norbert Kanter, 10 November 2023
Every year, museum staff waste days manually copying the details of thousands of objects from their databases, and sending them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own collections management systems. The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM) aims to save that time by making it possible to export data from one museum system at the press of a button, and import it into a different system just as easily.
EODEM has been developed and made freely available by the CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group, and has already been incorporated into current or pending releases of several collections management systems; but, despite its obvious benefits, it will stand or fall according to how widely it is incorporated into other systems. As a profile of the well-established LIDO data-harvesting format, EODEM is designed to be simple to implement, and makes minimal demands regarding the extent or type of available data. Because it includes basic object identification as well as more loan- and display-focussed data, EODEM has potential uses for exhibitions, including exhibition and display design; object transport, shipping and insurance; app development; and management of shared storage.
This presentation will introduce EODEM, show how it can help museum staff, and explain how it can be implemented and what tools are available to support developers.
The presentation took place on 10 November 2023 at MCN 2023, held at the Penn Museum, Philadelphia, PA from 8 to 10 November 2023.
Thinking Ahead (Modes Users Association AGM, 2023)
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 19 October 2023
Every year, museum staff waste days manually copying the details of thousands of objects from their databases, and sending them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own collections management systems. The recently-launched Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM) aims to save that time by making it possible to export data from one museum system at the press of a button, and import it into a different system just as easily. Rupert Shepherd will introduce the model and show how it can help museum staff.
It’s Good to Share (Collections Trust Annual Conference, 2023)
Saving time by sharing – the Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM), presented by Rupert Shepherd, 5 October 2020
Every year, museum staff waste days manually copying the details of thousands of objects from their databases, and sending them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own collections management systems. But what if we could just share that information between systems, at the touch of a button? The recently-launched Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM) makes this possible, and Rupert Shepherd will introduce the model, show how it can help museum staff – and explain how you can help make it a success.
CIDOC Annual Conference, 2023
The presentations were delivered at the CIDOC 2023 Annual Conference, held in Mexico City from 25 to 28 September 2023.
EODEM: LIDO Terminology and application profiles, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 24 September
The presentation took place on 24 September 2023 in the LIDO Working Group’s workshop on terminologies. No recording; slides at https://lido-schema.org/documents/presentations/2023_CIDOC/PRE_2023-09-24_CIDOC-LIDO-WG_EODEM.pdf.
EODEM: CIDOC’s Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, presented by Maija Ekosaari, 28 September 2023
Poster presented on 28 September 2023, also available at https://cidoc.mini.icom.museum/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/09/EODEM_poster_CIDOC_2023.pdf.
museum-digital blog, June 2023
Vereinfachter Workflow für die Arbeit mit Leihobjekten mit EODEM / Improved Workflow for Working with Loan Objects using EODEM, a blog post by Joshua Enslin.
museum-digital blog, February 2023
EODEM – Objektdaten bei Leihverkehren effizienter austauschen / EODEM – Efficiently Exchange Object Information During Loans, a blog post by Joshua Enslin.
12th European Congress of Registrars (ERC 2022), 2022
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, presented by Angela Kipp, 4 November 2022
The presentation took place on 4 November 2022 at the 12th European Congress of Registrars (ERC 2022), held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 2022.
Collections Trust webinar, 2022
EODEM, the Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, Collections Trust webinar presented by Rupert Shepherd, 13 October 2022
No recording; full text at https://rupertshepherd.info/publications/conferences/eodem-ct-webinar-2022-10.
Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation im Deutschen Museumsbund, 2022
Zetcom: EODEM – eine Einführung in den neuen Datenstandard für den Leihverkehr zwischen Museen, presented by Jette Klein-Berning, 11 October 2022
The presentation took place on 11 October 2022 at the Herbsttagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation im Deutschen Museumsbund, held online from 10 to 12 October 2022.
Documentation and Language (CIDOC off-site meeting, ICOM Triennial Conference, 2022)
Helping Save You Time: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM), presented by Rupert Shepherd, 25 August 2022
No recording; full text at https://rupertshepherd.info/publications/conferences/helping-save-you-time.
Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology (CIDOC Annual Conference, 2021)
Introduction to EODEM for software developers, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 22 May 2022
Introduction to EODEM, workshop, 24 May 2022
In a normal year, museum staff manually copy the details of thousands of objects from their databases and send them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own systems. The CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group’s EODEM project aims to make the whole process much quicker and simpler, by establishing a framework that will enable museum databases to export an object’s data from one system at the press of a button, and import that data into another system as easily as possible.
Project Lead Rupert Shepherd will explain the project’s working principles and current status; selected collections management system vendors will demonstrate how the model works in their systems; and members of the team will answer questions from attendees
Archivy, knihovny, muzea v digitálním světě 2021
(Archives, libraries, museums in the digital world 2021)
Částečně otevřená výměna a prezentace dat – nové formáty a postupy v systému správy sbírek Museion, presented by David Cigánek, 30 November 2021
(Partially open data exchange and presentation – new formats and procedures in the Museion collections management system)
CIDOC blog, November 2021
EODEM: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model, a blog post by Rupert Shepherd.
Dealing with complexity (Collections Trust Annual Conference, 2021)
The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM): latest developments, presented by Rupert Shepherd, 15 October 2021
Every year museum staff manually copy the details of thousands of objects from their databases, and send them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own systems. The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model (EODEM) aims to provide a standard which makes it possible to share this information at the touch of a button. After introducing the standard at least year’s conference, Rupert Shepherd will give a quick update on progress and next steps in its development.
Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage Institutions (CIDOC Annual Conference, 2020)
Introduction to the Exhibition Object Data Exchange Mechanism (EODEM), workshop, 7 December 2020
In a normal year, museum staff manually copy the details of thousands of objects from their databases and send them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own systems. The CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group’s EODEM project aims to make the whole process much quicker and simpler, by establishing a framework that will enable museum databases to export an object’s data from one system at the press of a button, and import that data into another system as easily as possible.
Working Group Chair Maija Ekosaari describes how this all got started. Project lead Rupert Shepherd explains how it will work, and some of the challenges encountered along the way. Working group member (and previous Chair) Richard Light will join the discussion with some insights into implementing EODEM.
Introduction (Maija Ekosaari)
Presentation: The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Mechanism (EODEM) (Rupert Shepherd)
Discussion (Maija Ekosaari, Rupert Shepherd, Richard Light, Jette Klein-Berning and others)
A case-study in collaboration: the LIDO and EODEM working groups, workshop, 8 December 2020
Despite collaborating for several months, this will be the first formal get-together of the EODEM project and the LIDO Working group. The aim of the meeting is to briefly introduce the EODEM project and the LIDO profile it has created and to discuss more generally the opportunities for developing profiles within the updated framework of LIDO v1.1.
Project Lead Rupert Shepherd and LIDO Chair Regine Stein will share what the two groups learnt from the co-operation: what brought results, and what would they would do differently. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and work together to find the answers.
Introduction (Maija Ekosaari)
Presentation: EODEM: how it should work; and why use LIDO? (Rupert Shepherd)
Presentation: LIDO and EODEM Profiles (Regine Stein)
Discussion 1 (Nicholas Crofts, Regine Stein, Rupert Shepherd and others)
Presentation: EODEM: collaborating with the LIDO Working Group (Rupert Shepherd)
Discussion 2, including vendors’ perspectives (Nicholas Crofts, Rupert Shepherd, Regine Stein, Jette Klein-Berning, Richard Light)
Dynamic Information for Dynamic Collections (Collections Trust Annual Conference, 2020)
The Exhibition Object Data Exchange Mechanism (EODEM), presented by Rupert Shepherd, 1 October 2020
In a normal year, museum staff manually copy the details of thousands of objects from their databases, and send them to other museums that wish to borrow those objects. The borrowing museums’ staff then manually copy those details back into their own systems. CIDOC’s EODEM project aims to make the whole process much quicker and simpler by establishing a framework that will enable museum databases to export objects’ data from one system at the press of a button, and import the data into another system as easily as possible. Project lead Rupert Shepherd explains how it will work, and some of the challenges encountered along the way.