Past Conferences
- 2022, Prague, The Power of Museums, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2021, Tallinn, Symbiosis of tradition and digital technology
- 2020, Geneva, Digital transformation in cultural heritage institutions
- 2019, Kyoto, Documenting Culture: a Culture of Documentation, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2018, Heraklion, Provenance of Knowledge
- 2017, Tbilisi, Documentation: Past, Present, Future…
- 2016, Milan, Museums and Cultural Landscapes, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2015, New Dehli, Documenting Diversity – Collections, Catalogues & Context
- 2014, Dresden, Access and Understanding – Networking in the Digital Era
- 2013, Rio de Janeiro Museums (memory + creativity) = social change, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2012, Helsinki, Finland Enriching Cultural Heritage
- 2011, Sibiu, Romania Knowledge Management and Museums
- 2010, Shanghai, China Museums in intercultural dialogue – New Practices in Knowledge Sharing and Information Integration
- 2009, Santiago, Chile Documentation in the XXI Century: connecting cultural heritage information
- 2008, Athens, Greece The Digital Curation of Cultural Heritage
- 2007, Vienna, Austria, Managing the global diversity of cultural information part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2006, Gothenburg, Sweden Wider perspective – broader base
- 2005, Zagreb, Croatia Documentation and users
- 2004, Seoul, Korea Museums and intangable heritage, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia Electronic potential of a museum: stimuli and restrictions, achievements and problems
- 2002, Porto Alegre, Brazil Preserving cultures: documenting non-material heritage
- 2001, Barcelona, Spain Managing change. Museums facing economic & social challenges, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference
- 2000, Ottawa, Canada Collaboration, context, convergence. Sharing heritage knowledge for the new millenium, a joint meeting with the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
- 1999, London, U.K. Delivering diversity, promoting participation, a joint meeting with the MDA
- 1998, Melbourne, Australia Documenting and communicating cultural and natural diversity), part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference, with the theme Museums and cultural diversity
- 1997, Nuremberg, Germany Quality and documentation
- 1996, Nairobi, Kenya Museum documentation in and out of Africa
- 1995, Stavanger, Norway, Museums and Community, part of the ICOM Triennial General Conference.
- 1994, Washington DC, USA Automating museums in the Americas and beyond, a joint meeting with the Museum Computer Network (MCN)
- 1993, Ljubljana, Slovenia, , a joint meeting with the Museum Computer Network (MCN)
- 1992, Quebec City, Canada
- 1991, Copenhagen, Denmark