May 6, 2020
COVID-19 information News

This page will be constantly updated with info about the museums response to the COVID-19 crisis.
CIDOC urge you, and your museum, to think on a COVID-19 colect and documentation project that can help museums to tell the story (or stories) around the pandemia period for future generations. You can find a good example at the Columbia University Libraries website.
Some more info collected by other institutions:
- ICOM has publish some information regarding the current epidemic situation to help our members to overcome the difficulties and obstacles for the museum sector. You can find some tools to advocate for the sector, some recommendations and also an area to contribute with your experiences and data about the impact of COVID-19 in your museum.
- AAM published some Considerations for Museum Reopenings and other information and resources at this COVID-19 related page.
- Collections in lockdown – some resources that museums need right now for collections care. We also like to draw attention for the different tools and recommendations from Collections Trust gathered at this Collections in Lockdown page and also to the SPECTRUM book club where you can get help to update your museum procedures while at home, or just go for a refresher on Spectrum 5.0.
- The Basque regional government published a guide for the cultural sector on that region.
European Commission
- EC initiative – Platform for Cultural and Creative Sectors “Creatives Unite”
- Ibermuseos published a practical guide for collections management during the crisis (Portuguese) and a webinar series about the challenges ahead for the museum sector.
- ICCROM have an Initial Rapid Assessment Template for Identifying Risks, Monitoring Impacts, Assessing Needs for Immovable Cultural Heritage as a first aid for Cultural Heritage in times of crisis. They have also created a dedicated web area for Heritage in Times of COVID. There are some interesting collections care resources compiled by Rebecca Kennedy also. This ICCROM’s “Culture Counts” Ticker is a great resource as well.
- ICOM Portugal 25 recommendations for museum reopening and some other recommendations collected by this National Committee.
- ICOM Brasil has published (Portuguese only) some recommendations regarding collections care, management and safety and also regarding museum professionals security during the pandemia. ICOM Brasil also urges politicians to create emergency funds for museums during the crisis.
ICOM Spain
- ICOM Spain has prepared an area with resources, news and initiatives regarding the COVID-19 crisis response and a document with some proposals to help museums to face the future.
- ICOMOS Spain published some recommendations for museums and other cultural heritage places reopening for the “new normal” times. They also have a web area regarding COVID-19.
Musée international de la Réforme
- The Musée international de la Réforme published a protection plan that can help other museums to developed their own.
- Museums during COVID-19 – NEMO page about COVID-19 and museums response to the challenges os the pandemia, including the Full Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on museums in Europe.
- Spain Culture Ministry published a guide to clean cultural objects affected by the COVID-19 virus.
We will update this page in the next weeks with more relevant information around COVID-19 issues. Please share your thoughts and info with us using our contact page.
- The Smithsonian as also published a COVID-19 Resource Hub with great tools and resources to face the crisis.
- The COVID-19 project is an effort to measure the impact of the new corona virus on museums, to keep record of publications and actions resulting from Covid-19, as well as to present useful resources to institutions as they face this pandemic.