RDF Representation – Concept Scheme
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Metadata for a LIDO Concept Scheme
This set of metada is used for describing each single concept scheme (a LIDO Concept Scheme) within the LIDO Terminology. Statements using these properties should be updated whenever a relevant change in associated concepts occur. The common subject of all statements is the URI of the named graph that identifies the set of all concepts belonging to the concept scheme to be described. Metadata about the concept scheme, and therefore about the named graph, are accessible as part of the default graph.
Statements about a LIDO Concept Scheme as Subject
Examples in RDF are given in Turtle Syntax for <http://terminology.lido-schema.org/recordType>
Predicate |
Object |
Example in RDF/Turtle |
rdf:type |
skos:ConceptScheme , void:Dataset |
a skos:ConceptScheme , void:Dataset |
void:inDataset |
http://terminology.lido-schema.org Property pointing to the void:Dataset that the LIDO Concept Scheme is a part of. |
void:inDataset <http://terminology.lido-schema.org/> |
dcterms:identifier |
http://terminology.lido-schema.org/vocabularyID |
dcterms:identifier |
dcterms:title |
Literal for the title/name given to the LIDO Concept Scheme by the publisher. |
dcterms:title “LIDO Record Type Scheme”@en |
dcterms:creator |
Literal for the name of the creator. |
dcterms:creator “LIDO Terminology Working Group”@en |
dcterms:contributor |
Literal for the name of the contributor. |
dcterms:created |
Date of creation of the LIDO Concept Scheme as xsd:date. Refers to the date when the concept scheme was first created in the vocabulary management system. |
dcterms:created “2009-11-14″^^xsd:date |
dcterms:description |
Literal description of the LIDO Concept Scheme. |
dcterms:description |
dcterms:publisher |
Literal for the name of the publisher. |
dcterms:publisher |
dcterms:relation |
A related resource of the LIDO Concept Scheme at hand. |
dcterms:relation <http://lido-schema.org/> |
cc:licence |
cc:licence |
dcterms:type |
http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset , http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300265266 The genre of the LIDO Concept Scheme. |
dcterms:type <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset> , |
nkos:sizeNote |
Number of concepts, terms, or other semantic units included in the LIDO Concept Scheme. |
nkos:sizeNote “3 concepts, 27 terms”@en |