Information Centres
Who we are?
We are a loose network of organisations (or groups), which support documentation, in different countries around the world:
- CHIN (Canadian Heritage Information Network), Canada.
- Collections Trust, UK.
- SIG Documentation of the German Museum Association, Germany.
- MDC, Croatia.
- To provide information about organisations in the network.
- Learning which references, resources and instruments are offered by the organisations in the network.
- Spread expertise about documentation and related topics, including by encouraging translation.
- Bring together statistical data available on museums in the world – based on the activities which have been done by EGMUS(European Group on Museum Statistics –
What we do?
- Discuss joint initiatives, such as encouraging translations of what has been achieved in one country to be distributed in other countries.
- Look for further synergies.
Plan of action for the next three years
- Extend the network of organisations.
- Meet annually, at the CIDOC conference to discuss issues.
- Gather, and publish, museum statistics for countries outside Europe.
If you know of a relevant organisation, either supporting documentation or having museum statistics, in your country please tell us about it by e-mailing the co-chairs.
- Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Germany [Co-chair] –m.hagedorn[at]
- Gordon McKenna, United Kingdom [Co-chair] – gordon[at]
The WG was established as the Documentation Centres Working Group in 1985 and later renamed to Information Centres Working Group. Its aims at its beginning were:
- To encourage the compilation and distribution of bibliographical data and abstracting and indexing services, both in computerised and in printed form.
- To promote the development of a subject indexing thesaurus of museum literature.
- To consider ways to making documents and information available throughout the world.