June 28, 2022
ICOM Prague 2022 – CIDOC Sessions and off-site meeting Conference, News

The 26th ICOM General Conference – ICOM Prague 2022 is almost here. We are excited to get together with the vibrant museum community at the ICOM triennial conference to learn and discuss the Power of Museums!
CIDOC specific meetings at the conference will give us the opportunity to debate museum documentation topics in four occasions. We’ll have two joint sessions, organised with COMCOL and CIMCIM, one session organised by us and an off-site meeting organised with the help of our colleagues from the National Gallery of Prague.
The sessions details are:
Joint sessions
22 August 2022, 16:00–17:30, Prague Congress Centre
Organizing committees: CIDOC, CIMCIM
Resilient musical collection documentation and social responsibilities
CIMCIM and CIDOC continue collaboration to further discuss documenting musical collections, particularly from an Inclusive Documentation perspective. The session focuses on the role of social context in defining documentation frameworks. How can documentation practices be inclusive of the rich cultural diversity represented in musical collections? In part, this joint session includes presentation of an online portal of musical instruments, and cases of Latin American music collections.
23 August 2022, 14:30–16:00, Prague Congress Centre
Organizing committees: CIDOC, COMCOL
Breaking down, building up: rethinking collecting practices
In the joint session of CIDOC and COMCOL we will proceed with conversations started in 2021 around rethinking museum practices: decolonizing collections. How to look at power structures that surround collections and collecting. How to dismantle or shift these structures in an aim for a more just approach to heritage? Together with our members we would like to exchange experiences, best and worst cases and build on our capacity to change for a better future.
CIDOC Session
23 August 2022, 16:30–18:00, Prague Congress Centre
Digital transformation needs strategy
Museums need sound information management in order to best communicate their collections and themes and develop digital applications to reach their audiences. CIDOC looks for best practice examples where standards are used in order to develop digital documentation and digital applications ideally based on an integrated system.
Off-site meeting at National Gallery Prague
Venue: National Gallery Prague, Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia (Národní galerie Praha, Klášter sv. Anežky České)
25 August 2022
Documentation and language
Terminology is a core part in museum documentation – multilingual vocabulary needed. Technologies today also allow new approaches (e.g. the use of automatic translation). How can we make best use out of it? How to prevent information from being misunderstood or lost?
Will you join us to discuss the Power of Museum Documentation?