July 15, 2021
DOMINO Survey about museum documentation Working groups

DOMINO working group (DocumentandO Museu IberoamericaNO) promotes a survey to understand the reality of documentation in the universe of Portuguese and Spanish-speaking museums.
Knowledge of the current reality in museums in Ibero-American countries is essential for this new CIDOC working group, because it allows us to define a strategy and priorities for action based on the difficulties and problems that museums face in a reality that is different from what we find and know in more detail in Anglo-Saxon museums.
Thus, all museums and museum professionals from those countries are asked to respond to the DOMINO survey provided below (in Portuguese and Spanish) to allow us to consolidate this support network for documentation in museums through activities and projects that respond to the most urgent problems in this field of work.
Preliminary results will be presented during the CIDOC annual conference in Tallinn (6-10 September 2021) and the final report will be made available through CIDOC communication channels.
DOMINO Survey available here in Portuguese and Spanish.
All questions and doubts about the survey can be made through the working group channels available at https://cidoc.mini.icom.museum/es/grupos/domino/