March 15, 2022
CIDOC bursaries for emerging professionals – CIDOC 2021 Conference, News

CIDOC is offering funding to support attendance at the CIDOC 2021 conference in Tallinn, Estonia 23-27 May 2022. The support is aimed at emerging professionals and covers the travel expenses, accommodation in Tallinn during the conference (max 6 nights) and conference fee.
Criteria of eligibility
- The applicant shall be an emerging professional working in the sector, with less than 5 years experience;
- Only individual ICOM members who have paid their membership dues for 2020 and 2021 may apply;
- In awarding travel grants, priority will be given to applicants from countries belonging to Categories 3 and 4, as defined in the membership grid available at the following address:
- The applicant shall be fluent in one of ICOM official languages. The conference will be in English.
Each recipient will be required to write a blog article for CIDOC website by 31 July 2022, stating their experience and contribution to ICOM activities.
Applications must include:
- A reference letter from the Chair of the applicant’s National Committee/Regional Alliance;
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae;
- A cover letter stating how this grant would be beneficial for the grantee, her/his institution and ICOM
- ICOM membership number
Applications are to be sent to on 31 March latest. The applicants are informed of the results no later than 10 April.