March 25, 2021
CIDOC 2021 Call for Papers Deadline Reminder – 1 April 2021 Conference

CIDOC 2021 – Call for Papers
Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology
Technology has moved from being a challenge for a museum, to being an enabler, to becoming an integral part of museum experience. Emerging technologies allow and compel us to adopt new ways of working, but we do so within the frame of traditional planning methods like strategies and roadmaps. How can we best exploit both of these and reap the benefits of their symbiosis?
The 2021 Annual Conference of the ICOM CIDOC (ICOM International Committee for Documentation) seeks commonalities between museum documentation and technology. The conference is organised by the National Heritage Board of Estonia in cooperation with ICOM Estonia.
CIDOC 2021 will take place from 6 to 10 September 2021 in Tallinn, Estonia at the Estonian History Museum. The conference will be held in a hybrid mode – possible to participate both in person and online.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts on the following topics:
- Planning and implementing strategies;
- The future of documentation;
- A wonderland of digital technology.
For any question, please send us an email to:
- Deadline for abstract submission: 1 April 2021
- Notification of acceptance: 16 May 2021
- Submission of presentations, posters and videos: 20 August 2021