August 31, 2020
CIDOC 2020 Conference – update Conference, News

CIDOC board and the CIDOC 2020 local organisers at Geneva have jointly taken the decision to move the CIDOC 2020 Conference online.
Regarding the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemia around the World, CIDOC board and the Museum of Art and History of the City of Geneva (local organisers for this year conference) decided that the CIDOC 2020 annual conference will be running fully online. More details about the program and registration for the online conference will be available at our website and at the CIDOC 2020 Conference website as soon as possible.
The conference theme Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage Institutions couldn’t be more appropriate to be discussed online with a wide audience of our members and museum professionals around the world.
The conference will be running online from 7 until 10, December. We will soon post information about the program and registration procedure.
The CIDOC 2020 online conference will be free of charge, but you’ll need to register to participate.
Stay tuned for more information!