June 23, 2020
Call for Papers: new approaches to enriching digitized heritage News

On November 23 and 24, 2020 the international online conference Collect & Connect will focus on the challenges libraries, archives and museums encounter in annotating and enriching digitized heterogeneous collections with contextual information. The conference aims to promote exchange and discussion between researchers and heritage professionals in the field of digital natural and cultural heritage collections. Collect & Connect welcomes papers that present, discuss, and reflect upon the technical, social, and institutional challenges related to contextualizing and networking such collections. All positively reviewed papers will be included in the conference proceedings and made openly accessible through CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Six to eight papers selected among those presented at the conference will be published in the peer-reviewed and indexed ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH).
Details on the submission process and a list of suggested topics are published at http://cfp.makingsenseproject.org. The deadline for submission is September 11.
Collect & Connect celebrated the completion of Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives. Thisresearch project focuses on enriching and networking through AI and Semantic Web technology a collection of complex, illustrated notebooks and other manuscripts of 19th-century scientific exploration. The conference is hosted by the Dutch national museum of natural history Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, together with the universities of Leiden, Groningen and Twente, the Dutch Science Foundation NWO and Brill Publishers and is supported by the Rijksmuseum.
This conference is for you if you’re an expert in the field of:
- Digital Humanities
- Digital, Cultural and Natural Heritage
- Digital Collection and Archives Curation
- Semantic Data Integration
For more information about the online conference, please visit www.makingsenseproject.org.