2013 Rio de Janeiro

Museums (memory + creativity) = social change

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23rd General Conference of the International Council of Museums – ICOM

Cidade das Artes, Barra da Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro | August 10 to 17, 2013


CIDOC’s focus for the 2013 triennial conference was on outreach and networking with other committees. We organised joint events during the week. Throughout the conference, we maintained a presence at the ‘CIDOC Booth’ to answer questions and welcome new members.

Highlights included a presentation and discussion by Mika NYMA as part of the “CIDOC outreach day”, a Joint museum focus day with COSTUME and ICMS at the Museu da República: including presentations, a guided tour and hands-on study workshops followed by an evening reception and aperitif, and a joint session with ICOFOM and ICTOP exploring the terminology of museology: Presentations, discussion and lunch.

2013 Conference documents

CIDOC Conference programme

Maija Ekosaari: Report on the “Museum focus day” with COSTUME and ICMS at the Museu da República. Wednesday August 14th

Nick Crofts: The evolving relationship between Terminology and Technology  (with soundtrack 17′ 30″). Presentation given as part of the ICOFOM-ICTOP-CIDOC joint session. Thursday August 15th