EODEM – Who is implementing EODEM?

Logo for EODEM (Exhibition Object Data Exchange Model)

The following companies have released an EODEM exporter and/or importer, or are either implementing, or planning to implement, an exporter and/or importer. Please note, however, that – unless the system supports plugin import/export tools or is provided as a service – these will probably only be made available in future releases of their software: another reason, should you need it, to upgrade regularly!

Company Product Exporter Importer
Axiell Axiell Collections, Mimsy XG under development under development
Axiell / Musoft Museion under development possibly
Gallery Systems TMS planned under development
Knowledge Integration CIIM planned no
KulturIT Primus, DigitaltMuseum under development under development
Modes Users Association Modes next major release next major release
museum-digital musdb released released
SKINsoft S-MUSEUM under development planned
Sistemas do Futuro in arte, in patrimonium planned no
Userix Oy Collecte planned possibly
Zetcom MuseumPlus released released