Meetings 2008

The CIDOC Co-reference working group

The meeting were held in the afternoon of September 14 and 15 in Athens. 7-8 people were attending.

Program for the meeting

The presentations are availible as PDF documents via hyperlinks in the program.

Sunday 14:00-17:00

Monday 15:45-18:00

The order of things were somewhat changed during the meeting, but we went through everything on the programme.


Based on the discussion during the meetings, the following workplan for 2008-2009 were agreed upon by the group.

  • At least 2 local system for co-reference handeling will be established.
  • A simple XML based format for interaction will be developed.
  • We will test interaction between these systems, i.e. exchange co-reference information using e.g. the Web Services protocol.
  • We will test using this system for research, hopefully finding new knowledge about some historical facts with the use of the interaction between the systems.
  • The group acknowledges the problem in such interaction based on non-overlapping domains, and will try to find ways to overcome it.
  • We will describe the co-reference process, i.e. the process of establishing a co-reference statement.
  • Each event in the lifespan of a co-reference statement should be documented.
  • We will establish a Co-Reference Suggestion Protocol to be used when a co-reference has been established in one system and this information is to be transferred to another system. This protocol will contain at least the following:
    • Who is claiming the co-reference.
    • The two references being said to co-refer.
    • To be used by software controlling both system: Magic string as a key to allow direct entry. This would be a special case of “who is claiming”.
    • Modality.
  • Co-operating with the CRM SIG. This is partly based on our use of CRM, but also a wish from the CRM SIG to take part in the work of describing the co-reference process, and to express this description in CRM.
  • A workshop or extended meeting during the workplan period would be fine, but we do not know how to do it in practice. We will examine possible sources for funding. The WG will meet at the CIDOC 2009 conference.

Written by Øyvind Eide 2008-09-20.