Search results for Heritage Information Standards resource guide

Faire de la place pour diverses façons de savoir dans les systèmes d’information sur les collections des musées – Erin Canning (août 2020)

In light of ICOM’s dedication of International Museum Day 2020 to the theme of “Museums and Equality: Diversity and Inclusion”, it is worth looking at how documentation practices, policies, and infrastructures – technical and otherwise – can fit into these broader institutional goals. Committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion involves… Read More

2006 Gothenburg

Wider perspective – broader base Gothenburg, Sweden | September 10-14, 2006 The venue for the 2006 CIDOC conference was the Museum of World Culture. The local organisers were Hans Rengman and Anne Murray. There were two pre-conference workshops, “Introduction to the CIDOC-CRM” and “Introduction… Read More

2014 Dresden

Access and Understanding – Networking in the Digital Era Dresden, Germany | September 6-11, 2014 The 2014 annual conference of CIDOC, the International Committee for Documentation of ICOM, took place in Dresden, Germany. Read More

2016 Milan

Museums and Cultural Landscapes   ICOM MILANO PROGRAM   2016 CONFERENCE PAPERS   LIDO working group (Chair: Regine Stein) Gordon McKenna, Implementing LIDO Angela Kailus, The… Read More